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Indoor Outdoor Rugs

In today’s day and age, people underestimate the decorative power of a quality accent rug. As we get so fixated on furniture and appliances, this home essential gets tossed aside without a thought. But if you really want your shore retreat to stand apart in a sea of vacation homes, consider a high-end indoor or outdoor rug designed to protect your floors while still infusing elegance—even excitement—into your living space.

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Crab Etched Sports Beer Mug Set
The etched beer mugs are awesome. We must have made a mistake on our order. We initailly wanted only 4 mugs but received 4 sets of 4 for a total of 16...we like them so much we are keeping a set for ourselves and giving others as gifts. Thanks very much.
Mr. John Allen
Nov 7, 2013

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